Welcome to the 20th Annual Coley’s Cause Memorial Invitational Golf Tournament
This tournament is held in memory of our daughter and sister Nicole “Coley” Levine who passed away October 22, 2004 from complications stemming from a horrific genetic disorder known as Fanconi Anemia. Our goal is to raise funds desperately needed for research aimed at improving the prognosis and life expectancy of the many innocent children afflicted with the disease. In addition, we have established a memorial scholarship in Nicole’s name for a deserving graduate of Bridgewater-Raynham Regional High School.
We hope you’ll join us on June 21, 2024 for a day of golf and fun as we tee it up for the twentieth year in loving memory of “Coley.”
Nicole “Coley” Levine - Tribute Video
Due to an outpouring of support over the past 19 years of the tournament, we have been able to donate $472,500 to the Fanconi Cancer Foundation (FCF). In addition, we have disbursed $40,500 in college scholarships, as well as another $37,125 in family assistance. However, there is much work still to be done – and we still need your help. Despite the grave prognosis of children stricken with Fanconi Anemia, 95% of FCF funds continue to be raised by affected families.
Children stricken with this horrific disorder are counting exclusively on fundraising activities such as ours to sustain the efforts of the dedicated doctors and researchers hard at work to improve treatment protocols and someday find a cure.

Toward that end, we hope you will join us again this year as we strive to improve on our 2023 results – and have a whole bunch of fun while we’re at it!
Kristin, Todd, Marissa, Travis and Nicolas Levine
Coley’s Cause Charitable Trust Foundation
P.O. Box 202 • Raynham, MA 02767
(508) 828-9772
Please contact us if you have any questions or need more information.