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12th Annual Coley’s Cause does it again! Largest net proceeds in our history!

The 2016 edition of the Coley’s Cause Memorial Golf Tournament was a wonderfully successful event. Our remarkable streak of great weather continued from start to finish! Thanks to all of our fantastic volunteers, the day ran smoothly from registration, to golf and all the way through our dinner/raffle event. This year we heard from our very inspiring speaker, Laura Brandos. Laura is the 2012 recipient of the Nicole Levine Memorial Scholarship who went on to earn her Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. Inspired by Coley’s story, Laura took a special interest in Fanconi Anemia and volunteers regularly at Camp Sunshine during Fanconi Anemia Family Week.

Net proceeds from the 12th Annual Tournament were over $35,000 thanks to the tremendous contributions of our loyal sponsors and golfers! This allowed us to donate another $27,000 to FARF, bringing our 12 year total to $278,000! We will be back at it on June 23, 2017 to add to these incredible totals. We hope you’ll join us then.

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