Coley’s Cause 2018 – Another Smashing Success!
June 22, 2018 – The 14th Annual Coley’s Cause Memorial Golf Tournament was blessed with yet another glorious day. A packed field of 144 golfers made their way around the golf course under a warming sun, enhancing an already radiant vibe amongst the volunteers, staff and golfers. We were blown away by the kindness of the Poquoy Brook Golf Course staff, as they took it upon themselves to adorn the entrance drive with a series of large orange flags in honor of Nicole. What a welcome surprise! As is typical, it was a tight race to claim the first place title, captured by rookies Darlene Ferioli, Bob Jose and his two sons.
Our dinner, raffle/auction did not disappoint this year. We had a record number of fantastic raffle items, and great silent auctions that garnered significant interest. The highlight of the afternoon however, was the heart-warming & heart-wrenching speeches eloquently delivered by members of our FAmily. Amy and Dennis Vangel spoke beautifully of their experiences as FA adults, delivering powerful messages of hope and thanks to the entire audience. Maya Ratzan (daughter of Nicole’s nurse Yvette Murillo) addressed our audience from the heart, expressing the love she has for her “Boston Family” and all those that have supported Coley’s Cause over the years.
Financially, 2018 was a banner year! We delivered a record $29,500 to the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, while also issuing $3,000 in both college scholarships and $3,000 in family assistance. We can’t thank all of our sponsors, volunteers and golfers enough for your loyal support to this great cause! Let’s do it again in 2019!